To build a static personal blog by Github Page is very easy. You can check official tutorial or this Chinese tutorial
Moreover, the favicon may not show as it supposed to be. You should add ?
after the favicon souece file name. For example,it is like
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/img/favicon.png?">
Building a personal blog also needs to learning some Markdown syntax.(and some html syntax).Here are some basic Markdown syntax:
Markdown 目录: [TOC] Markdown 标题: # 这是 H1 ## 这是 H2 ### 这是 H3 Markdown 列表: - 列表项目 1. 列表项目 *斜体*或_斜体_ **粗体** ***加粗斜体*** ~~删除线~~ Markdown 插入链接: [链接文字](链接网址 "标题") Markdown 插入图片: ![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Title") Markdown 插入代码块: ```python #!/usr/bin/python3 print("Hello, World!"); ``` Markdown 引用: > 引用内容 Markdown 分割线: --- Markdown 换行: <br>
And you can also check the offical document.